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Memorial Day is a time to remember the sacrifices made by those who have helped preserve our freedoms and our way of life.  The video below is of a 91 year old Veteran of World War II remembering and being thankful for his friends, lost in the war.  We should all be so lucid at whatever age, let alone at 91 years of age.

Thank you Jerry and a hat tip to Jim who sent me this video.

Happy Memorial Day.


Veterans Day has been a National Holiday since its proclamation by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in May of 1954.  It is celebrated on November 11 each year.  That day was chosen because it is the day that the Armistice was signed to end formal hostilities in World War I.

Veterans Day should stand as a reminder to thank veterans for their service to our country.  I encourage you to thank a veteran and fly the flag.  I think you will also enjoy the attached video.  Happy Veteran’s Day!


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